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A reinvigorated resolve

For the last two decades, the menace of terrorism has been inflicting immense human and material losses in Pakistan leaving its ghastly marks on our society. Lasting peace remains elusive…

Environmental crimes

Environmental crimes have consequences more severe than many other serious offenses, and unfortunately, they cannot be entirely controlled or prevented by merely enforcing laws. These crimes result from widespread negligence…

The rise in crimes

This year in Karachi the sanctity of the holy month of Ramazan and the festivities leading to the celebration of Eid were overshadowed by the sharp rise in crime, which…

SDG 16 & financial crimes: challenges

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels— Sustainable Development Goal 16, United Nations…

Crime and police

The Arabic word ‘noor’ has multiple meanings. Depending on the context, it can mean brightness, divine light, or simply ‘light’. ‘Raushnai’ is a Persian word having similar meanings, but it…

FATF strategic initiatives & Pakistan

The fourth, three-day plenary session of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) concluded on October 27, 2023, with delegates from more than 200 jurisdictions that addressed prominent issues related to…

Crimes against logic

In August 1985, at a conference in Havana, Fidel Castro laid out the facts and figures and indeed the mathematical impossibility of the Third World ever being able to repay…

War crimes

Threshold question: should we hold trials or join Joe Stalin like he proposed after WWII for Hitler and his Hit Men, and just lynch those responsible, their crimes being so…

Ukraine’s crimes

While nowhere near the scale of the Russian atrocities, there is mounting evidence that Ukrainian forces have committed war crimes over the course of the Ukraine-Russia war. The allegations, and…