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Offshore assets – II

In the article published, on this subject, in the paper last week, I had briefly identified the related dimensions of offshore assets of Pakistani citizens. As stated in that article,…

Privatisation Of Public-sector Assets

Privatisation of public-sector assets

For attaining higher growth and boosting economy the government will have to go for mass-scale privatisation despite fierce opposition. This policy statement was made last weekend by the Chairman of…

Clear message of no more business as usual—I

Change is taking place slowly and subtly. Recent Cabinet Committee on Economic Reforms’ (CCER’s) deliberations on Sept 25, 2023 highlight increasing interdependency, thereby necessitating a Planning Commission on the lines…

This crisis is a moment: Part – II

The austerity measures being considered by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Revival (CCER) could save Rs424 billion by creating a Single Treasury Account, Rs54 billion in six months by a…

Energy sector reforms

Our fiscal space is wafer thin. The economy is starting to pull back from a precipice. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Staff-Level Agreement (SLA) is around the corner and has…

Mehbooba And The BJP

Mehbooba and the BJP

The ruthless use of power can prolong armed occupation but it cannot win the hearts and minds of the people. This is the lesson to be drawn from the lukewarm…

Tax under weak enforcement

IN the wake of a Rs356 billion shortfall in targeted revenues during the first five months of the current fiscal year, the government has introduced the Tax Laws (Amendment) Bill…