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The psychology of colonialism

Psychology is a neglected discipline in Pakistan as not many people are aware of their psychological issues and tend to downplay their importance. Good psychological advice is hard to come…

The people’s historian

In one of his articles, Dr Mubarak Ali mentioned in passing that Mr Jinnah used to claim that he had founded Pakistan with the help of his typewriter and stenographer.…

Did reason fail or‘men of reason’?

The age of reason, rationality, and science, a gift of the European Renaissance, seems under attack from critics who argue that the modern world has not lived up to mankind’s…

Lessons from Afghanistan

In an earlier article on these pages (‘How America lost in Afghanistan’, August 22, 2024), I had pointed out that after the longest American war lasting two decades, there was…

Humanity’s next revolution

In a previous article, I presented the exciting advances taking place in the field of artificial intelligence and how they will change the world we live in. Artificial intelligence relates…

Writing about ideas

The history of ideas is an interesting field; you traverse from concepts to definitions to ideas to philosophies – and the universe before you appears to be unending. It is…

A journey through fiction

Historical novels can be a good source for understanding our past depending on who has written them and how. In modern world literature, there is a fine example of Hilary…

Marx, Judaism and Palestine

During the Trojan War proverbially fought for the beauty of Helen though the monopoly of the commercial routes was the dominant motive, Laocoon, the priest who warned the Trojans not…

Signal – and sanity – lost

In a world where the internet is as vital as oxygen, Pakistan seems to be content with holding its breath. The recent internet interruption has left the country gasping for…

Before the capital

Exactly 64 years ago, Islamabad was officially declared as the new capital of Pakistan on August 1, 1960. When Gen Ayub approved the establishment of the new capital of Pakistan…