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Policing Urban Violence

Policing urban violence

While political, ethnic, religious and socio-economic tensions contribute to conflicts, escalating urban violence is largely a product of poor governance, inappropriate security policies and neglected police reforms. This is the…

A Year In Pakistan

A year in Pakistan

My previous experience in Pakistan included looking down on Peshawar from the Khyber Pass in Afghanistan and receiving some rocket fire from the eastern side of the border while in…

Lessons from US

America and Pakistan are two totally different countries, and their democracies are very different breeds. Yet the recent US elections have some relevance, if not lessons, for Pakistan. The majority of Trump supporters were…

My enemy’s enemy

AMERICA has allies while its enemies have proxies; America’s allies have governments that must be supported while its enemies have regimes that must be changed. And right now, in the…

Weaker but still lethal

THE return of Narendra Modi as prime minister for a third term was foretold, but many doubted a landslide victory for his party. While they may be correct, he is still on…


THE Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) of India allows persecuted minorities belonging to the Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Parsi, Jain, and Christian communities from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan to gain Indian citizenship.…

Whither Europe?

SHORTLY after Joe Biden and a phalanx of European leaders gathered in Normandy last week to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings that launched the endgame in the…

India’s fault lines

PAKISTAN is passing through a challenging time. A divisive and polarising politics, economic uncertainties, and the continuing threat of violent extremism are some of the fault lines that impede the…