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Poor nation, rich lifestyles

A question that arises in every thinking mind is whether we are a developed nation, developing nation or a poor nation that barely managed to return from the edge of…

Reforming the civil service

BUREAUCRATIC reforms have become essential, as a critical constraint today on the effective functioning of government is the budgetary and business cost of its overextended mandate. Bureaucrats claim to be…

Beyond personality disorders

WHAT is the source of Pakistan’s political instability? The answer varies depending on who one asks and what their political affiliation may be. But there is one thing that everyone…

Shehbaz Sharif: expectations and limitations

The word ‘Shehbaz’ literally means a high flying bird. Therefore, the launch of a five-year economic programme with the meaningful title of ‘Uraan Pakistan’ speaks volumes about Shehbaz’s desire to…

Population in 2024

Pakistan, the fifth most populous country in the world, bids farewell to 2024 – and yet the unfinished population growth business concerns politicians, leaders, academics, and development practitioners. As the…

Austerity plans?

The outrageous raise in the salaries of Punjab Assembly members has left people bewildered. The increase is completely out of proportion and shocking for sensibilities of a nation where many…

Broke but flashy

One would think that a country like Pakistan, already teetering on the edge of an economic crisis and highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, would prioritise policies that…

Assets not liabilities

A few days ago, Pakistan’s Defence Minister Khawaja Asif stated in a nationally televised programme that Pakistanis should not be allowed to have dual nationalities. The minister opined that the…

Sindh’s new VC rules

The Sindh government cabinet recently approved an amendment to allow candidates with a Master's degree to be eligible for appointment as vice-chancellors (VCs) of universities, replacing the longstanding requirement of…