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Opening the corridors to peace

“The certain pathway to all things that you want is through the corridor of joy,” Esther Hicks. Kartarpur corridor has the potential of bringing joy to millions of spiritual followers…

No Justice Yet

No justice yet

Trump appeared jubilant as he shared with the American public the details of the operation that led to the killing of the infamous leader of the Islamic State of Iraq…

Discovering – And Preserving – Mehrgarh

Discovering – and preserving – Mehrgarh

The word ‘heritage’ means something that we inherit from earlier generations. It comprises both the tangible and the intangible including culture, value and traditions. It represents history and identity.  The…

Heritage And Accountability

Heritage and accountability

It has taken me a month to understand the wisdom of not maintaining clean toilets at the fabulous Taxila Museum. Yes, it may be a great inconvenience to a Buddhist…

The Pak-French Connection

The Pak-French connection

For nearly 140 years, July 14 has been celebrated as the French National Day. The day symbolises the unity of the nation. On this occasion, the republic pays homage to…

Europe Vs The People Without History

Europe vs the people without history

European society emerged from the darkness of the Middle Ages and transformed on a fresh basis after the Renaissance and the Reformation, which revitalised it with new concepts. These movements…

Need for National Tax Authority

All efforts in the name of tax reforms (so-called) undertaken in Pakistan till today have miserably failed. These were nothing but mere patchworks here and there. Restructuring and redesigning of…


It is a small hillock, just a few acres wide, that overlooks the most hallowed street in the whole republic. To use the biological cliché, the road below is the…