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What If The Right Was Right?

What if the right was right?

As election results started trickling on the evening of May 11, a shift to the right was discernible. By next morning, the centre-left parties had suffered a massive defeat with…

Politics Of Power

Politics of power

The temperature of the politics of power sector in this country has been raised as the government upped the price of electricity for all consumers - industrial, commercial as well…

Managing Economic Risk

Managing economic risk

Having entered its sixth month in office, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s government has to deal decisively with a number of urgent economic challenges even as it has taken the necessary…

Who Pays Taxes Anyway

Who pays taxes anyway

Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equally - either directly or through elected representatives - in the proposal, development and creation of laws. It…

Battling Imbalances

Battling imbalances

When selecting policy instruments and the timing of interventions, a key question that bedevils decision-makers in the country is how to facilitate growth and contain inflation simultaneously. It has been…

Petulant Malevolence

Petulant malevolence

Thirty years ago New Zealand had a prime minister called David Lange who was witty and sometimes caustic. Speaking at the dinner he hosted for retiring US ambassador H Monroe…

Flawed Energy Policy

Flawed energy policy

It is an accepted fact now that the National Energy Policy 2013-2018 is merely a policy statement. Or, at best, it is the policy strategy, as declared in the document…

Tariff Rationalisation

Tariff rationalisation

There appears to be some misperceptions about the recent tariff rationalisation in electricity and increase in the prices of furnace oil. Most of the newspapers and media outlets are depicting…

Cradle Of Power

Cradle of power

It’s a good thing that the government has been forced to change its stance on the recent power tariff increases. The constant hikes in tariffs with no meaningful reforms have…