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Books Over Bullets

Books over bullets

On July 6, the Norwegian government convened the Oslo Summit on Education for Development, building on the outcomes of the ambitious agenda set by world education ministers earlier this year…

Ideological States

Ideological states

The March 23 celebrations included the usual exhortations that Pakistan is  an ideological state. Ideologies represent unique sets of guiding ideas adopted by countries for the main life domains: economic,…

The Terrorism Enterprise

The terrorism enterprise

According to a report presented by the DG Rangers in the apex committee on June 4 and later revealed through a press release on June 11, Rs230 billion ill-gotten money…

Militants’ Fundraising Streams

Militants’ fundraising streams

THE month of Ramazan is one of the seasons which militants use to secure their yearly finances. While extremist and militant groups are set to raise funds during the holy…

Meaning Massacred

Meaning massacred

Recent slaughters of tourists in Tunisia and Shia worshippers in Kuwait represent only the latest killings by those claiming to be Muslims even as their actions prove they have no…

NAP, Nacta & NS

NAP, Nacta & NS

WHEN a terrorist slaughtered 38 foreigners at the resort town of Sousse, the Tunisian government shut down 80 mosques for preaching extremism. The British home secretary, Teresa May, flew to…

India’s Chabahar Gambit

India’s Chabahar gambit

Last Wednesday, India and Iran signed a Memorandum of Understanding to develop the Chabahar port on the Gulf of Oman, not far from Gwadar, which Pakistan is developing as a…

Educated Militants

Educated militants

Why are we feigning shock at the revelation that IBA graduate Saad Aziz might be a militant? The news that Aziz and his friends from prominent universities are jihadis has…



The rise of the self-styled Islamic State seems to have left much of the world nonplussed. The threats it poses go far beyond the immediate concerns dominating the bulk of…