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The Talk Of Talks

The talk of talks

Can there be anything more tragic than a Muslim killing a Muslim in the name of Islam? Can there be anything more abominable than a citizen killing a fellow citizen…

Viewpoint: Bringing An End To Drone Strikes

Viewpoint: Bringing an end to drone strikes

Imran Khan has been the strongest critic of US drone operations in our tribal areas, telling the people if elected prime minister he would order shooting down of any drone…

The Obstacles Ahead

The obstacles ahead

It would be naïve on the part of the new government as it formulates its policy towards Afghanistan, not to recognise that there is a nexus of sorts between the…

Apple Cart On A Motorway

Apple cart on a motorway

Barely five minutes into an interview of Maryam Nawaz with Juggan Kazim on PTV last week, the programme had to be interrupted for a live transmission of Nawaz Sharif’s address…

The EU Can Help

The EU can help

The European Union is well placed to help Pakistan’s new government tackle a daunting domestic and foreign policy agenda. Attention is inevitably focused on Pakistan’s relations with the US, India…

A Nuclear Warning From India

A nuclear warning from India

In a wide-ranging speech on India’s nuclear weapons’ programme and the country’s nuclear doctrine, Shyam Saran, chairman of India’s National Security Advisory Board, declared in New Delhi on April 24…

Make Them Think

Make them think

Despite the threats and terrorist attacks, Pakistan went ahead with parliamentary elections. This is a great victory for the country. The winners of these elections, like the PPP before them,…

Forebodings And Forewarnings

Forebodings and forewarnings

The elections are, at last, over and by the time this article appears, the final outcome will have emerged. As voters wended their way to polling booths, they were assailed…

A Generational Conflict

A generational conflict

Violence – escalating and uncontrollable – has always posed the greatest threat to political transition in Pakistan. This has become increasingly evident following the election-inspired killings in Peshawar, Quetta and…

Diplomacy And Force

Diplomacy and force

The United States is just beginning to realize some age-old truths on the exercise of diplomacy and the use of force. While diplomacy without the sanction of force is impotent,…