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We Know The Answers, But Will They Matter?

We know the answers, but will they matter?

The elections are over. Some parties have lost and some have won. However, there were many irregularities: significant institutions failed to ensure an election the people deserved. The margin of…

Traders And Taxes

Traders and taxes

"Be honest with yourself, if or when you fail, the change of direction will not kill you. Change before you have to"-Jack Welch (CEO of General Electric 1981-2001) 'Ruin comes…

The Magic Of Commitment

The magic of commitment

First, full disclosure: I am a recent member of the PTI and a long time believer that Imran Khan offers not just the best hope, but the only hope, for…

Combating Financing Of Terrorism – II

Combating financing of terrorism – II

Appraisal of global and domestic initiatives: Since the tragic event of September 11, 2001, the United States and its allies have been engaged in what they call 'war on terror'…

Muslims Need A New Road Map

Muslims need a new road map

Dry academic debates hold as much charm for me as they do for most readers. But when Dr Tariq Ramadan speaks, you cannot help but pay attention. One of the…

Our Survival

Our survival

Downward spiral: Our country’s continous descent into a state of anarchy refuses to reach its climax. And our nation could not have been more humiliated than the recent series of…

Questioning Ideology

Questioning ideology

There is renewed interest in questions of Islamic ideology and the ideology of Pakistan following the implementation of the concepts of ‘sadiq’ and ‘ameen’ as per ROW (returning officers’ wisdom).…

Towards TARP-II?

Towards TARP-II?

In the beginning it was tax evasion, and then became rampant corruption and eventually mafias took over, making the FBR irrelevant in most of the sectors-Ali Arshad Hakeem, Chairman FBR.…

Factory Inspectors

Factory inspectors

By and large, the practice in most developed countries has been to recruit engineers as Inspectors of Factories. It should be accepted that Factory Inspection is a live profession which…