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What To Do About Vote Rigging

What to do about vote rigging

Hours after voting ended on 11 May, the chief election commissioner appeared before the media to announce that the Election Commission had successfully completed its “difficult task” of holding free…

The Travails Of The General

The travails of the general

The fool in the eyes of the gods is one who does not know himself. Former president and army chief, Gen (r) Pervez Musharraf, lived in the illusory world of…

Election Drum

Election drum

Two aspects of the General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani's speech on Martyrs' Day that remain the subject of media debate are his belief that a competent democracy that delivers real results…

Sri Lanka And The Commonwealth

Sri Lanka and the Commonwealth

There must have been a huge sigh of relief among government circles in Colombo at the conclusion of the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group meeting in London on April 26. Although…

Discussion On Elections At The Frontline Club

Discussion on elections at the Frontline Club

After Benazir Bhutto’s assassination over five years ago (how time flies!), the only political figure in Pakistan foreigners have heard of is Imran Khan. His fame is largely attributable to…

Apt Handling Of National Security – II

Apt handling of national security – II

Our armed forces and intelligence agencies have become more hardened today than they were ever before in the conduct of Low Intensity Conflict (LIC). However, over the past decade, the…

The Whirligig Of Time

The whirligig of time

Every general election in Pakistan is an exercise in self-flagellation. It provides an occasion for adult voters and their elected representatives, like contrite sinners, to scourge themselves in an attempt…

Not Out Of The Woods

Not out of the woods

For some it’s the new El Dorado. Foreign investors are lining up to do business in Myanmar, a once-pariah nation which only a couple of years ago was almost as…