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Pakistan’s Recognition Of The Taliban

Pakistan’s recognition of the Taliban

For too long have the people of Afghanistan walked through the dreadful valley of despair. Tuesday’s attack by the Taliban near the presidential palace in Kabul portends an escalation of…

The Full Bloom And The Tear

The full bloom and the tear

Events of the past few days have magnified the frustration and resigned discontent that grips Pakistan. People worry the fragile and unsafe superstructure of the state is falling apart. As…

Budget 2013-14: No Will To Tax The Rich

Budget 2013-14: No will to tax the rich

By just tinkering with tax rates here and there and imposing or enhancing regressive taxes - fixing revenue collection target at Rs 2598 billion for fiscal year 2013-14 - the…

Tax Proposals – II

Tax proposals – II

Initial developmental efforts are generally marked by inflationary tendencies in an economy. Inflation, if uncontrolled, may thwart all development plans and bring misery to the poor. A reasonable degree of…

Tax Proposals – II

Tax proposals – II

Initial developmental efforts are generally marked by inflationary tendencies in an economy. Inflation, if uncontrolled, may thwart all development plans and bring misery to the poor. A reasonable degree of…

Some Sharif Memories

Some Sharif memories

Of all political journeys Pakistan has witnessed, Mian Mohammad Nawaz Sharif`s must ranlc among the most remarkable. Sharif was 29 when his family-owned industrial empire, nationalised by ousted leader Z.A.…

View Point: America, Taliban And Us

View Point: America, Taliban and us

The violent extremists fighting this state, say many, have nothing to do with America's war in Afghanistan. Yet last Wednesday's US drone strike in North Waziristan that killed six people…

The People Have Spoken

The people have spoken

OVER the last five years, if I had a dollar each time somebody complained about democracy, I might not have become rich, but would at least have been able to…

Some Sharif Memories

Some Sharif memories

OF all political journeys Pakistan has witnessed, Mian Mohammad Nawaz Sharif`s must ranlc among the most remarkable. Sharif was 29 when his family-owned industrial empire, nationalised by ousted leader Z.A.…