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Behind The Conspiracy Theories

Behind the conspiracy theories

On television, a couple of celebrity anchors were discussing the rising tide of conspiracy theories in Pakistan. One of the anchors complained that everyone in Pakistan is a foreign agent…

An Elitist Pakistan

An elitist Pakistan

The sufferings of Pakistani poor and less privileged classes will not end unless elitist structures are dismantled and the society is restructured on the principles of equity, fairness and justice…

Anger In Kashmir

Anger in Kashmir

ONCE again fear of the awkward looms in Kashmir. On Thursday India`s Border Security Force (BSF) opened indiscriminate fire upon a group of Kashmiris demonstrating in Gool village killing four…

Politics Of Plots And Perks

Politics of plots and perks

The ruling elites of Pakistan - military-judiciary-civil complex, businessmen-turned-politicians and absentee land owners - are responsible for the present economic mess, that has pushed the country into a deadly debt…

Treason Trial

Treason trial

On June 3, in my column entitled ‘Know your worth, General’, I had suggested that the prime minister follow the instructions given by the Supreme Court and advise the attorney…

Tips To Contain Militancy

Tips to contain militancy

RISING militancy accompanies the spreading turmoil in the Islamic world. The coup in Cairo to oust the Muslim Brotherhood`s president Mohamed Morsi is symptomatic of the tumult and conflict that…

Our ‘historical’ Obsession

Our ‘historical’ obsession

Pakistan seems to have become fertile ground for creating history. In March this year, for the first time in the country’s history, popularly elected national and provincial legislatures completed their…

The Trial

The trial

Declaring a state of emergency on Nov 3, 2007, Musharraf held the constitution of Pakistan “in abeyance”. Article 6, Clause (1) in effect on November 3, 2007 did not describe…