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In The Land Of Big Smiles

In the land of big smiles

To be greeted with folded hands is hardly unusual for people like me, born and bred in India, the land of namaste. But the Thai greeting is vastly different from…

Tax Haven For Foreigners

Tax haven for foreigners

Government of Islamic Republic of Pakistan always endeavours to create environment for foreigners conducive to their comforts and satisfaction through applying soft, simple, relax and straight terms and conditions and…

At The Mercy Of Men Of Straw

At the mercy of men of straw

Let us be realistic. Over here nothing is going to happen except what we are seeing: the steady descent into chaos and disorder, our troubles proving too much for us…all…

Qatar`s World Cup: Building On Blood

Qatar`s World Cup: building on blood

STATES, particularly authoritarian ones, tend to shoot messengers bearing bad news. So it came as no surprise that Hussain Al Mulla, the Qatari deputy labour minister, threatened to sue the…