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Battling Imbalances

Battling imbalances

When selecting policy instruments and the timing of interventions, a key question that bedevils decision-makers in the country is how to facilitate growth and contain inflation simultaneously. It has been…

Syria: A Chance For Honest Diplomacy

Syria: a chance for honest diplomacy

It’s an irony of history that an adversary can sometimes rescue you from trouble better than a friend. So when Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov proposed that the US should…

Mongolia’s Nomads Turn To Private Land

Mongolia’s nomads turn to private land

Mongolia's nomads have roamed its sprawling grasslands for centuries, pitching their yurts wherever they find pasture for their animals, but now Tsogtsaikhan Orgodol is staying put as part of a…

Cancelled EU-US Talks Complicate Trade Ambitions

Cancelled EU-US talks complicate trade ambitions

Even before the cancellation of the latest round of EU-US talks, negotiations to create the world's largest free-trade deal were getting into difficulty territory. France won a concession to leave…

The US Treasuries

The US Treasuries

Government shutdown, Federal default, these looming political threats to the US economy might scare investors to buy more US Treasuries in the coming days as they seek a shelter for…

Thinking Taxation

Thinking taxation

Admittedly, the title even sounds repulsive; after all no sane person, given a choice, would wish to embroil his medulla oblongata in the wasteful pursuit of taxation matters, let alone…