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Privatising SOEs

Privatising SOEs

The Board of the Privatisation Commission (PC) has taken important decisions regarding partial sell-off of state holdings in Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), Oil & Gas Development Co Ltd (OGDCL), Pakistan…

Japan’s New Military Thinking

Japan’s new military thinking

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe minces no words about his intention to revise the country's pacifist constitution, while boosting military forces amid growing tensions with China over disputed islands in…

Ignored Ground Realities

Ignored ground Realities

An investment's incentives scheme announced by the Prime Minister on November 29 has caused a stir in the business community; it prompted accolades as well as criticism, which forced the…

The Game-changer

The game-changer

The Iran nuclear deal is the single most important game-changer in world politics after the cataclysmic events of 9/11. In fact, the world has now started to change in real…

Iran’s Deal

Iran’s deal

An interim six-month deal between GP5 (representing United Nations Security Council's permanent members namely the US, Britain, France, China and Russia) Plus one (Germany) and Iran was struck in the…

A Worrisome Build-up

A worrisome build-up

Last week, the Vatican released an "apostolic exhortation" authored by His holiness Pope Francis, which faults unfettered capitalism as "a new tyranny", and calls on political leaders everywhere to fight…