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A Question Of Propriety

A question of propriety

Since 1977, every government in Pakistan, civil and military alike, has miserably failed to tackle the issues of revenue leakages and illegal accumulation of wealth in a few hands. Every…

Managing Debt

Managing debt

At the outset, this is not another article on the size of the national debt; enough said already on that, except no amount of fantastic imagination can come up with…

SMEs A Neglected Lot.

SMEs a neglected lot.

National financial integration can best be evaluated through the progress of two principal processes: the share of the SME sector (the dominant national business employer) in national credit, and the…

Pakistan And Iran: New Goalposts

Pakistan and Iran: new goalposts

Pakistan is fortunate to have Iran as a strong and considerate neighbour. Although at times the relationship becomes tense mainly due to events that are mostly related to factors that…

Ignored Priorities

Ignored priorities

The key obligation of any government is to scale down the distortions or imbalances in its society; accepting them, worse still, allowing them to expand portrays the failure of governments.…

Privatising SOEs

Privatising SOEs

The Board of the Privatisation Commission (PC) has taken important decisions regarding partial sell-off of state holdings in Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), Oil & Gas Development Co Ltd (OGDCL), Pakistan…

Japan’s New Military Thinking

Japan’s new military thinking

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe minces no words about his intention to revise the country's pacifist constitution, while boosting military forces amid growing tensions with China over disputed islands in…

Ignored Ground Realities

Ignored ground Realities

An investment's incentives scheme announced by the Prime Minister on November 29 has caused a stir in the business community; it prompted accolades as well as criticism, which forced the…