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What Arrogance, What Delusion

What arrogance, what delusion

So then, 53 “carefully selected” and “chosen carefully Pakistani foreign policy elite” — retired civilian and military officials, analysts, journalists and civil society practitioners — with established expertise on Afghanistan…

The crushing weight of corruption

If corruption were to be defined as any benefits which fall free to a nation or its population then the extreme position is corruption by inheritance. The only redeeming factor…

The Healthcare Bill 2009

The healthcare bill 2009

Discussions around the Punjab Health Care Bill 2009 have intensified following some instances of alleged medical negligence in Lahore. The purpose of this comment is to clarify many policy and…

Pleasant Fiction

Pleasant fiction

Two carefully constructed myths regarding Pakistan`s economic performance post-9/11 need to be examined and de-constructed, so that policy lessons can be learnt for the future. The most pervasive of the…

Factors That Hinder Peace

Factors that hinder peace

As Pakistan slips deeper into an economic, fiscal and governance mess many analysts conclude simplistically that Pakistan’s overall situation will improve by reviewing Pakistan’s engagement with the US. Secondly, they…

Implications Of NSS On Economy

Implications of NSS on economy

The Mutual Fund Association of Pakistan has developed a policy paper on the implications of National Savings Schemes (NSS) on economy and the financial sector. It says: National Savings Schemes…

Procrastination Until 2014

Procrastination until 2014

The message that comes out loud and clear from the latest strategic review of the Obama administration’s policy for Afghanistan and Pakistan is the continuing pursuit of a military victory…

New Economic Imperatives

New economic imperatives

Everything is in a flux and the countries that have most to lose are the ones whose social development is not up to the mark. When one considers what happened…

Important Personalities

Important personalities

Personality matters, as personality shapes ambition and policy preference. The personalities that matter most on the subcontinent are India’s prime minister and Pakistan’s chief of army staff. Prime ministers Lal…

Ruses That Distract From A CT Strategy

Ruses that distract from a CT strategy

The writer advises governments, donors and NGOs on public policy. One of the important but widely neglected debates that need unpacking in Pakistan is the one between counterinsurgency, counter terrorism…