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An Elusive Nuclear Deal

An elusive nuclear deal

The negotiations over the Iranian nuclear deal in Vienna seem to be struggling through last minute hiccups, with both sides trying to manoeuvre maximum advantage. The final deadline of June…

Israel: Match In Hand

Israel: match in hand

With an arsenal of more than 300 weapons and strong delivery capabilities, Israel has already replaced the UK as the fifth largest nuclear power in the world. Israel’s secret nuclear…

Modi And The Americans

Modi and the Americans

In September every year, leaders of more than 190 nations, whether big or small, get a chance to make long speeches at the United Nations General Assembly, which are usually…

The WMD Threat

The WMD threat

When former US President George W Bush was asked, “What is the single most serious threat to American national security?”, his answer was the possibility of nuclear weapons falling into…

The Pesky Problem Of Poverty

The pesky problem of poverty

On October 17 the world acknowledged the presence of poverty yet again and admitted that it is having trouble solving this problem by commemorating the International Day for the Eradication…

A Global Spectre

A global spectre

On October 11, 2001, exactly a month after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre, President George W Bush was informed by his CIA director, George Tenet, about the…

Disarmament Is Not A Dream

Disarmament is not a dream

Nuclear weapons are regarded as the most inhumane of all weapons ever created by mankind on this planet. With the diffusion of nuclear technology in the 21st century, these weapons…

Unsung Heroes

Unsung heroes

It is customary for countries keep records of important events and of the people who have played prominent roles. These records mention their achievements and contributions to the national cause.…