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Monetary Policy: Some Observations

Monetary policy: some observations

The State Bank has imposed a crippling high-interest rate regime on Pakistan over the past several years due to its conclusions that prices were rising at an unacceptable rate because…

Tax Proposals – I

Tax proposals – I

On June 5, 2013, we will have a new government in action - faced with multifaceted and complicated problems on economic front. It's immediate task of framing budget for fiscal…

Dear Mian Sahib

Dear Mian Sahib

Sir, here is a partial list of government-run entities: Lesco, Gepsco, Iesco, Fesco, Mepco, Hesco, Qesco, Genco-1, Genco-2, Genco-3, PIA, Pakistan Steel, Pakistan Railways, PTV, Pakistan Agricultural Storage, Utility Stores…

As We Near Collapse

As we near collapse

With the elections behind us, we can now look ahead to try and shape a better future for ourselves. Priority must now be given to projects that can contribute to…

Is It Worth Neglecting?

Is it worth neglecting?

The manifestos of almost all the big political parties vying for power in the forthcoming elections have failed to mention the rural non-farm economy. More than 60 percent of our…

The Issue Is Governance

The issue is governance

As the dust of electoral controversy settles down the focus of the national debate should now be not only on what needs to be done first but also on the…

Limits To Privatisation

Limits to privatisation

From the statements of the PML-N leaders (likely to adore federal ministries) a clear hint is that privatising the public sector enterprises (PSEs) would be the focus of the new…

Challenges And Opportunities

Challenges and opportunities

Arrangements made for re-polling at 43 stations in NA-250 showed the ECP and the Army the difference such arrangements could have made to the May 11 election results whose authenticity…