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Biogas Potential In Pakistan

Biogas potential in Pakistan

For the last five years, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources (MPNR) has been trying to implement a LNG project of a rather small capacity of 400 Billion Cubic Feet…

The Past Is The Future?

The past is the future?

So, how is the 2013 election really to be decided? Are the patterns of the past to be followed based on old loyalties, feudal influence and the hold of the…

What’s In Store?

What’s in store?

It is too early to say that manifesto politics has started gaining traction in Pakistan. But if politics based on manifestos is to gain footing in the country, then analysing…

Smart Grids

Smart grids

Pakistan's electricity infrastructure has served the country well for the past several decades. However, with the passage of time and rapidly increasing demand, it is fast approaching its limitations. This…

Is Land Reform Off The Menu? – III

Is land reform off the menu? – III

Land and housing reforms: Innovations and opportunities due to the floods: The destruction of life and property of people due to floods have developed the need and rationale for launching…

Our Textual Religiosity

Our textual religiosity

Whereas an ever-growing number of Islamic social forces in the Muslim world are looking towards Turkey and its Justice and Development Party to replicate its workable model of democratisation as…

Who Stands Where

Who stands where

This time last year, drone attacks, suspended Nato supplies, trade with India and, above all, relations with the US were issues that were causing political temperatures in the country to…

Anything Is Possible

Anything is possible

Remember military dictator Oliver Cromwell telling the members of the Rump Parliament on April 20, 1653, “You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately. Depart,…

A City For All

A city for all

Islamabad may be beautiful but the city is not without its can of worms. The proceedings of suo motu case number 3 of 2011 in the Supreme Court of Pakistan,…