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Suicidal Embrace

Suicidal embrace

Living in Washington DC as a foreigner can be quite interesting, especially for the likes of yours truly who are hopelessly engrossed in anything related to politics and international affairs.…

Who Says Countries Are Permanent?

Who says countries are permanent?

We should know this more than others. The Pakistan of 1947 is not the Pakistan which exists today, one half of it having broken away to form another country. I…

A Pipeline To Some Sovereignty

A pipeline to some sovereignty

Just last year the leading national flavour was anti-Americanism... and the heroic assertion of national sovereignty. After the Raymond Davis affair, the stealth assault on Bin Laden’s hideout in Abbottabad…

Tough Tasks Ahead

Tough tasks ahead

When the present parliament ends its term tonight, the tenure of the government will also be over and the focus will shift to the elections and then the challenges facing…

Time And Space

Time and space

There isn’t a more vocal proponent of the ‘time and space’ dimension in politics than our very own, veritable Shaikh Rasheed of the Lal Haveli. He does, though, mix it…

New US-Afghan Tensions

New US-Afghan tensions

US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel, on his first overseas trip after a bruising confirmation hearing, arrived in Afghanistan probably hoping to hear some words of praise for the “blood and…

Tense Ties With US

Tense ties with US

The recent meeting of Nato defence ministers in Brussels has brought to light the sort of ideas the Obama administration is debating with Nato allies as it tries to meet…

Dangerous Liaison

Dangerous liaison

Pity the nation where the blood of innocents comes cheap and murderers live under state patronage. Malik Ishaq is not an ordinary criminal. The co-founder of Lashkar-i-Jhangvi has been charged…

War Without End

War without end

The major point of contention between the Afghan Taliban and International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) is the Taliban’s insistence that all foreign forces leave Afghanistan when the draw down ends…

Has Reconciliation Been Advanced?

Has reconciliation been advanced?

The trilateral summit hosted in London by Prime Minister David Cameron, judging by the joint statement his office released, has been an outstanding success. Pakistan and Afghanistan have agreed on…