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From Astana To Amritsar

From Astana to Amritsar

On April 26, Kazakhstan hosted the third Ministerial Conference of neighbours and ‘near-neighbours’ of Afghanistan (somewhat awkwardly designated as the ‘Heart of Asia’ countries) within the framework of the so-called…

Afghan War: End Or Beginning?

Afghan war: end or beginning?

Fast-track efforts are on for the resolution of the conflict that has ravaged Afghanistan for the last so many years. Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai, the US Secretary of State, John…

Why Break The Relationship?

Why break the relationship?

The US agenda with Pakistan pre-9/11 was, in order of priority viz (1) nuclear non-proliferation (2) terrorism and (3) drugs, with the Taliban government in Afghanistan figuring prominently in the…

A Game Of Russian Roulette

A game of Russian roulette

We need to keep careful score as this election campaign moves on. The question that is emerging is not just that of who will win the poll, but of how…

Karzai’s Latest Charges

Karzai’s latest charges

In what was termed a routine meeting of the Afghan National Security Council on Sunday President Hamid Karzai instructed his ministers of defence, interior and foreign affairs to take “immediate…

Return Of An Ex-king

Return of an ex-king

There are two flights Pervez Musharraf will never forget. The first was flight PK 805 that brought him from Colombo to Karachi on Oct 12, 1999. It was prevented from…

No Ray Of Hope

No ray of hope

In less than 20 months all coalition forces are due to withdraw from Afghanistan. President Hamid Karzai’s outburst against the Americans had raised the question of whether Karzai wanted a…

The Next Five Years

The next five years

Judging by the number of Western media and analytical queries I have received over the past two weeks, there seems to be a growing interest in Western capitals in the…

The Past Is The Future?

The past is the future?

So, how is the 2013 election really to be decided? Are the patterns of the past to be followed based on old loyalties, feudal influence and the hold of the…