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In The Name Of Gender

In the name of gender

The resignation of Fauzia Kasuri from PTI at her failure to win one of the reserved women’s seats in the National Assembly might look like a purely internal matter for…

Budget 2013-14: No Will To Tax The Rich

Budget 2013-14: No will to tax the rich

By just tinkering with tax rates here and there and imposing or enhancing regressive taxes - fixing revenue collection target at Rs 2598 billion for fiscal year 2013-14 - the…

The Five Men In Charge

The five men in charge

There are five men who will call the shots for some time to come in the political arena of Pakistan. They will lead decision-making on key issues and oversee the…

Countering The Insurgency

Countering the insurgency

The Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan`s recent decision to withdraw the offer of peace talks with the incoming government may not alter the PML-N and Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf`s position. The two parties have advocated…

Get Agrarian

Get agrarian

Land reforms and the imposition of tax on income derived from agriculture, which is presently exempt in the majority of countries like Pakistan, are two issues that attract a lot…

Is It Worth Neglecting?

Is it worth neglecting?

The manifestos of almost all the big political parties vying for power in the forthcoming elections have failed to mention the rural non-farm economy. More than 60 percent of our…

Supply And Demand

Supply and demand

In economics, demand is "how much of something people want" and supply is "how much of something is available". Price, in a competitive market, is “derived by the interaction of…

Viewpoint: Life After Elections

Viewpoint: Life after elections

Casting their votes in unprecedented numbers in the face of a clear and present threat of violence, the people have demonstrated unstinted enthusiasm for democracy. They have delivered a clear…