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Partners In Progress

Partners in progress

Sometimes the most powerful forces of change are the ones that can barely be seen. Such is the case with the transformative role of private sector investment today. In Pakistan,…

Developing A Strategy

Developing a strategy

THE problem and its causes are very well known. What is missing is the political will, the drive and the confidence as well as institutional coordination. It is expected that…

The Game-changer

The game-changer

Amidst a deteriorating security situation, the acute energy crisis and a crumbling economy, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif visited China and successfully concluded agreements for cooperation on crucial issues like energy…

Energy Relief

Energy relief

The government has formulated a new Energy Policy, which is yet to be announced, with focus on increasing power generation capacity to 26,800 MW within three years. Reportedly, the policy…

The Undeserving Rich

The undeserving rich

The requirement in modern-day life of a country is to see that the opportunities are provided to all and sundry as equitably as possible. That is easier said than done.…

On With The Show

On with the show

Cinemas in urban areas, especially those frequented by the elites, seem to be doing quite well. Going by the way multiplex theatres are springing up, it is hard to imagine…

Investing In Justice

Investing in justice

When people discuss development, they often discuss economic indicators, social services like health and education, but they seldom discuss the justice system, the process in criminal courts, the condition of…

Bomb Or Bread?

Bomb or bread?

On May 28, an email was circulating on the web from Dr Shershah Syed, whose services to women’s reproductive health are widely acclaimed. Doctor Sahib wrote, “Today we are celebrating…

Bullish On Pakistan

Bullish on Pakistan

ALTHOUGH the Karachi Stock Exchange has risen over 50pc over the last year, financial analysts have not rushed to declare Pakistan a `bull market`. The reasons for their caution are…