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Be A Sport, Let Go Of Sports

Be a sport, let go of sports

Praful Patel had a good point to make. “If such a bill is passed,” the former Union minister for civil aviation and present Union minister for some portfolio which escapes…

Phantom Rulers

Phantom rulers

Who are the real rulers of Pakistan? Politicians? Bureaucrats? Feudals? The military? The question is not easy to answer mainly for the reason that none of the nominees for the…

The Right To Information

The right to information

If only good intentions could be translated into concrete actions, the functioning of the Punjab government would be more open and transparent and its bureaucrats and public bodies would be…

Accountability For All

Accountability for all

Speaking at the National School of Public Policy in Lahore, Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry said that “bureaucrats were not obliged to follow illegal orders of their superiors. They have to…

A Snapshot Of Where We Are

A snapshot of where we are

They are not even sparing the Hajis. It must take a peculiar kind of courage for a Muslim to fleece pilgrims to Mecca. But that is what our minister and…

In transit

As I write this on the terrace restaurant of a hotel in the hills in Sri Lanka, there’s a small river tumbling over huge boulders a few feet away. The…

Partners In Social Uplift

Partners in social uplift

Notwithstanding the perennial cynicism most of us are afflicted with, our politicians, generals and bureaucrats can get their act together and deliver. Of course some of the generals have transgressed…

Listen To The People

Listen to the people

The prime minister has paid a brief visit to Quetta. He might have received detailed reports on the situation in Baluchistan from provincial ministers, senior bureaucrats and political workers of…