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Aam Aadmi Jumps In

Aam Aadmi jumps in

India’s all-new Aam Aadmi Party has made a shrewd, calculated move by quitting the Delhi government and jumping into national politics. The issue on which it precipitated its action was…

Privatisation Or The Sale Of The Century?

Privatisation or the sale of the century?

If the drain on the public exchequer was the reason for privatisation then the government should focus solely on privatising loss-making SOEs. So why then are profitable entities such as…

Stay Tuned

Stay tuned

The remote control is one of the most useful devices created by human ingenuity since the advent of the spinning wheel. The ‘remote’ as it is affectionately called, has revolutionised…

The Cultured 500

The cultured 500

Politics is an important site where different forces struggle to find a role in the power structure of state and society. Since politics is a collective activity, anything that broadens…

Poverty, Politics And Riches

Poverty, politics and riches

In January every year, the elite almost from every walk of life – politics, business, academia, multilateral institutions, and philanthropy – gather in the Swiss village Davos for deliberations on…

Positive Signs, Are They?

Positive signs, are they?

Recent developments suggest that global political leadership has finally accepted the economic disparities that now engulf this planet. Frustrated by legislators' inaction throughout 2013 over the rising income disparity all…

Why They Fear An Autonomous SBP

Why they fear an autonomous SBP

In an earlier article (‘The poor state of the State Bank’, February 1, 2014), I had criticised the PPP government for appointing commercial bankers as governors and deputy governors of…

Lofty Goals, Little Vision

Lofty goals, little vision

The economy is in a deep mess with low rates of savings, investment and growth, high rates of monetary expansion and inflation, large budget and current account deficits, a huge…

Where Does The AAP Stand?

Where does the AAP stand?

As the Lok Sabha election looms, India’s political battle lines are being redrawn. The Congress, mauled in recent elections, is dispirited. Rahul Gandhi’s probable anointment as its prime ministerial candidate…

Violence Against Women

Violence against women

PAKISTAN has good reason to ponder the consequences of the high level of violence against women during the campaign called 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence that ends on…