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Closing Of The Pakistani Mind

Closing of the Pakistani mind

A Friend showed me a class four Pakistani textbook from the 1960s. It was on famous personalities. In the first section there were four chapters, including one on Prophet Muhammad…

Definition Of A Shaheed

Definition of a shaheed

The word `shaheed` has assumed a common place in thelingua franca of the subcontinent, particularly of Pakistan, often used as part of the name of the deceased who has been…

The True Essence

The true essence

Both individually and collectively, we are often troubled by the question of how Muslim societies have developed into some of the most degraded and brutalised societies in the world. They…

No Child’s Play

No child’s play

The October 18 speech of Pakistan People’s Party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari has raised a lot of eyebrows – and brought frowns on many faces. The way the young Bhutto-Zardari scoffed…

Rigging And Formation Of Government

Rigging and formation of government

Pakistan Muslim league (N) has emerged as the single largest party with 123 seats requiring 13 seats to form an overall majority in the national assembly. Markets have reacted favourably…

A Moderate Firebrand

A moderate firebrand

Dr Tahirul Qadri is the new megastar of our media. At the same time, he is the bête noire of the old political parties, with the exception of the MQM.…