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The Marshall Islands’ Battle

The Marshall Islands’ battle

On March 1, 1954 the United States of America conducted a hydrogen bomb test at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands. The test, codenamed Castle Bravo, yielded an incredible 15-megatonnes…

Korean Conundrum

Korean conundrum

NORTH Korea’s latest nuclear test last week was greeted with a predictable mixture of scepticism and consternation. The seemingly contradictory responses often emanated from the same sources. On the one…

Crucial Questions

Crucial questions

Think of the last disaster you witnessed in Pakistan and you will realise how crucial it is for this country to not only have disaster management plans for various contingencies,…

Jinns Invade Campuses

Jinns invade campuses

Last week, a workshop titled ‘Jinns and Black Magic’ was organised in Islamabad by the department of humanities at the COMSATS Institute of Technology (CIIT), one of Pakistan’s largest universities.…

Death Race

Death race

"The arms race is a race between nuclear weapons and ourselves." - Martin Amis In a recent meeting of the National Command Authority (NCA), Pakistan’s civilian and military leadership expressed…

Refugee Crisis Shows The Changing Soul Of Germany

Refugee crisis shows the changing soul of Germany

Europe's refugee crisis is revealing the changing soul of Germany. Back in 2010, Chancellor Angela Merkel declared that multi-culturalism in Germany had been an abject failure; today the nation is…

Down The Road And Turn Right

Down the road and turn right

Should anybody be worried at all that Delhi’s luxuriant Aurangzeb Road will be renamed after A.P.J. Abdul Kalam? The former Indian president is credited with crafting the country’s nuclear missiles…

Israel’s Matches

Israel’s matches

Following the recent nuclear deal Iran and world powers, the next logical step to reduce proliferation risks in the Middle East would be to focus on regional security challenges arising…