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Changing Mindsets

Changing mindsets

When Sheema Kermani launched her play Zehreela Dhooan, she probably didn’t realise how formidable would be her battle against the cigarette. In this play a cast of eight earnest people…

To Prevent Rape, Fight Masculinity

To prevent rape, fight masculinity

One month on, public outrage at the gang rape and barbaric brutalisation of a 23-year-old physiotherapy student in Delhi, causing her death, refuses to die down. Among the factors driving…

South Asia`s Daughter

South Asia`s daughter

The tragic gang rape and murder of a 23-yearold medical student in Delhi on Dec 16 has led to widespread outrage across India, forcing the government to consider new laws…

The unsung heroines

They are the easiest of targets, little groups of women, clutching medical boxes and knocking on doors. From modest entryways to hovels to elaborate doors of mansions, from huts in…

A Make-over For Education

A make-over for education

Pakistan’s public education system is sick and getting sicker. But what exactly is the malady? We employ this medical perspective to highlight the issues and to propose for consideration a…

Keep Your Books Open

Keep your books open

The registrar of the Supreme Court of Pakistan has flatly refused to appear before the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and also to provide details of the expenditures charged on the public fund…