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Crime And Terrorism: Financial Challenges – I

Crime and terrorism: Financial challenges – I

INTRODUCTION: This paper seeks to integrate the efforts made by individual group activity members while studying and analysing the manifold directions of money laundering and terrorist financing. The topics assigned…

The Year Gone By

The year gone by

As another frantic year comes to an end, I want to know who pushed the fast-forward button. Why is it that life seems to speed up as you get older?…

Crime And Terrorism: Financial Challenges – II

Crime and terrorism: Financial challenges – II

 Risk-based approach: Nations are operating within a comprehensive international framework that deters financial crime and terrorism in the first place; detects it when it happens and disrupts the activities of…

The Terror War And Human Rights

The terror war and human rights

Nine days after the Sept 11 attacks George W Bush announced the launching of his “war on terror,” which he said “will not end until every terrorist group of global…