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At A Precipice

At a precipice

Pakistan stands devastated today due to unprecedented massive corruption. According to a recent report by Transparency International Pakistan the last five years have been the worst in the history of…

The Softer Option

The softer option

Some time ago, 38 ex-militants were released after receiving vocational training at Navi Sahar, an armed forces’ institute in Bajaur. It was an endeavour to reintegrate them into society, as…

Islands Of Affluence

Islands of affluence

‘Democracy is the best revenge’ having run its full course, other ‘avatars’ are about to descend over the hills of Islamabad. The populace awaits less than eagerly the rerun of…

Consensus On Terrorism

Consensus on terrorism

The tone for a much-needed multi-party conference has finally been set. The leadership of the Awami National Party (ANP) has started contacting the leadership of other political parties. The plan…

Our Growth Diagnostics

Our growth diagnostics

"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." Leo Tolstoy’s novel Anna Karenina opens with this line. This dictum holds true not only for…

Enemy Past The Gates?

Enemy past the gates?

All of a sudden some of the high and mighty of this country seem to have woken up to the fact that Taliban insurgents have gained a foothold in Karachi.…

The Hawks And The Offer

The hawks and the offer

Should the government talk to the Taliban, or should it not? That is the question. The answer from the hawks would be a resounding no. They would argue that the…



Nawaz Sharif had to run for cover earlier this month after he was quoted to have made provocative remarks, during a party workers meeting in Karachi, about setting up military…

The Failure Of Al-Qaeda Propaganda

The failure of Al-Qaeda propaganda

For several years Al-Qaeda has persevered with a relentless propaganda campaign against Pakistan, but there has been no effort on the part of the government to neutralise this blitzkrieg. Suicide…