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Judicial anarchy

Pakistan’s judicial system is now in a state of chaos, characterized by a lack of coherence, consistency, and predictability in legal decision-making. This is judicial anarchy, a situation where judges…

Judicial imperialism: Threat to democracy

When honourable judges, while claiming to enforce the constitution, render verdicts that cannot plausibly be related to the constitution the result is judicial imperialism posing a serious threat to the…

Judicial reforms: now or never(Part–II)

Under the social contract, the people are the real sovereign. In our polity, the balance of power has totally shifted towards the judiciary that controls not only the executive but…

Judicial reforms: Now or never (Part-I)

The constitution is the body of doctrines and practices that form the fundamental organizing principles of a political state. The general idea of a constitution originated with the Greeks and…

What are the judicial reforms about?

‘May you live in interesting times’ is a famous curse in the Chinese tradition. It appears that we have been hexed with this curse and cannot find the spell to…

Disclosure principles of ‘beneficial ownership’

It is common practice across the globe that anonymous shell companies are formed to hold funds or conduct financial transactions to disguise money trail of wealth accumulated through illegal activities.…