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Far From Saviours

Far from saviours

In a recent column entitled ‘Westerners on white horses’ in the New York Times, columnist Nicholas Kristof explained why, when writing about humanitarian efforts in impoverished nations, he chooses to…



In a night-time attack on the Freedom Flotilla last Monday, Israeli soldiers, in the habit of massacring innocent Palestinians at will, killed 20 activists and injured several others. This happened…



Today I would like to highlight the excellent humanitarian and social activities undertaken by two God-fearing philanthropists and social workers in Pakistan, Mr Mahmoodul Haq Alvi of Alvi Trust and…

The Fourth Cup Of Tea

The fourth cup of tea

When Greg Mortenson’s book Three Cups of Tea was published in 2006, publishers were unsure of its reception. Their fears were unfounded. The book’s story of a failed American mountain…

Militants And The West

Militants and the West

In Bosnia in the 1990s, “Islamic militants” and “Western humanitarians” fought on the same side. Foreign Islamic fighters formed some of the best units in the ragtag Bosnian army. Like…

Malakand Priorities

Malakand priorities

With hundreds of thousands fleeing the fighting, a humanitarian disaster looms - AP/File photo. MOST of the fallout of the military operation in Malakand Division is not unexpected but its…