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Finance Act 2013: Apathy Of Parliament

Finance Act 2013: Apathy of Parliament

The adoption of Finance Bill 2013 on 27 June 2013, with a number of amendments proposed on 24 June 2013, was a disgrace for the National Assembly. There was no…

The Age Of Discovery

The age of discovery

For Pakistan to emerge from the huge mountain of debt we need to give the highest priority to transitioning to a knowledge-based economy. For this we need to invest massively…

Finance Bill 2013: Meaningful Suggestions

Finance Bill 2013: Meaningful suggestions

Senate Standing Committee on Finance sent a number of meaningful, though unbinding, recommendations to the National Assembly on 21st June, 2013. Finance Minister Ishaq Dar ignored all of them while…

Budget 2013-14: No Will To Tax The Rich

Budget 2013-14: No will to tax the rich

By just tinkering with tax rates here and there and imposing or enhancing regressive taxes - fixing revenue collection target at Rs 2598 billion for fiscal year 2013-14 - the…

As We Near Collapse

As we near collapse

With the elections behind us, we can now look ahead to try and shape a better future for ourselves. Priority must now be given to projects that can contribute to…

Dark Clouds

Dark clouds

Our legendary ghazal singer Mehdi Hassan’s melodious song, ‘Yeh watan tumhara hey, tum ho pasban is key’ fills the heart of every Pakistani with patriotism and love for his country.…

The Magic Of Commitment

The magic of commitment

First, full disclosure: I am a recent member of the PTI and a long time believer that Imran Khan offers not just the best hope, but the only hope, for…

Predatory Elites

Predatory elites

Pakistan is ruled and controlled by predatory elites in whose hands power and wealth are concentrated. The ruling elites - comprising indomitable military-civil-judicial complex, unscrupulous politicians, mighty religious party leaders,…

Food Security

Food security

Pakistan is an agricultural state where gains from agriculture sector are of much substantial nature than any other sector. It is the second largest sector and importance of this sector…