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Amazing Biology

Amazing biology

There are truly amazing developments occurring in the field of biology. All information related to the biological functions of living plants or animals is encoded in their respective DNA. The…

Morals, Manners And Ethics

Morals, manners and ethics

Ethics may also be defined as knowledge and relationships, especially those dealing with mutual social relations that are considered to be morally acceptable or not. In Markham’s words (see Part…

Consultation On HDR 2014

Consultation on HDR 2014

The Human Development Report Office of UNDP New York, UNDP Pakistan, and the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) jointly organised a two-day South Asian Regional Consultation on Human…

The Greatest Gift

The greatest gift

Allah has blessed humanity with innumerable bounties to be grateful for. But the most important of them all is the human body itself. A body with all its organs intact…

Economies Of The Ummah

Economies of the ummah

What is the combined size of the economies of all Muslim countries? Which are the largest and most dynamic? What are some of the defining economic characteristics of Muslim countries?…

In Pursuit Of Happiness

In pursuit of happiness

“There is now a rising worldwide demand that policy be more closely aligned with what really matters to people, as they themselves characterise their well-being”, said Professor Jeffrey D Sachs…

On The Slide

On the slide

The competitiveness of Pakistan’s economy is on the slide. In 2007-08, the country`s position on the global competitiveness index (GCI) drawn up by the World Economic Forum was 92nd, which…

Beggars Cannot Be Choosers

Beggars cannot be choosers

Since Ayub's era our rulers have developed addiction for large intakes of foreign loans, especially IMF bailouts - many call it death-blows. With every loan comes a host of conditions.…

What Ails Punjab?

What ails Punjab?

It’s hardly news that Punjab’s public healthcare system is in a bleak state – with overcrowded and non-functional hospitals and poor basic health indicators. The official claims of making big…

Urbanisation: The Big Picture

Urbanisation: the big picture

Anyone wanting to understand urbanisation needs to get past two major misunderstandings. First, urbanisation is not about individual cities — neither solving their problems nor enhancing their potential for growth.…