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Politics For Profit

Politics for profit

A Frenzy of activity marked the final moments of the Sindh government’s tenure with signs of frayed nerves visible in the Chief Minister’s House and elsewhere. What did it indicate?…

An Interim Agenda

An interim agenda

By any standards the interim government, whose outlines are now beginning to appear, has a heavy agenda and a light mandate. This is a bad combination. Here is some of…

New Leaders, Old Problems

New leaders, old problems

The world is watching closely as China`s 12th National People`s Congress prepares to confirm the appointment of Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang as the country`s president and premier respectively. China`s…

FATF And AML Compliance Requirements

FATF and AML compliance requirements

1. Legal Measures: Criminalization of Offences, Investigations and Prosecutions: FATF recommendations require Criminalization of money laundering through domestic legislation.1 The recommendations also provide to specify the scope of liability in…

Viewpoint: Nomination Forms

Viewpoint: Nomination Forms

Just days before the end of its term, the Zardari government locked horns with the Election Commission of Pakistan over amendments to nomination forms. The PML-N too has been expressing…

Ministers Are Trustees

Ministers are trustees

The law has developed unforeseen strength to correct a wayward state and punish its minions, the ministers. The law on both is distinct and separate, albeit related. Dread of punishment…

Politics Of Expediency

Politics of expediency

The deliberate hash of local government to reflect the diverse demographics of the ruling coalition, the PPP in the rural areas and the MQM in the urban areas of Sindh,…

The Care They Can Take

The care they can take

The constitution is silent on the precise role of the caretaker government. There is a general agreement that the caretaker setup should not take any action that favors one political…

The Tasks Ahead For Fata’s Salvation

The tasks ahead for Fata’s salvation

A demand that the people of Fata have been making for so many years has finally been accepted and a son of the soil – Shaukatullah Khan, MNA-elect from Bajaur…

Sordid Story Of Tax Frauds – III

Sordid story of tax frauds – III

During 2003-2007, one tax official used different techniques to issue illegal refunds in several cases without any check by any agency. It was found that the accused official during his…