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Combating Financing Of Terrorism – II

Combating financing of terrorism – II

Appraisal of global and domestic initiatives: Since the tragic event of September 11, 2001, the United States and its allies have been engaged in what they call 'war on terror'…

Speaking Truth To Power

Speaking truth to power

On April 11, 2013 Pakistan lost one of its best judges and a national moral compass. While for many people an important public office brings greatness for them, in the…

Crumbling Tax System

Crumbling tax system

Taxes play a vital role for establishing an egalitarian society, the true fruit of social democracy. Under a representative and responsible government, citizens are taxed according to their ability (at…

Global Offshore Money Maze

Global offshore money maze

All responsible governments in recent years have shown commitment to retrieving looted money by their citizens, but in Pakistan the PPP-led government during its five-year-tenure (2008-2013) acted as the main…

An Interesting Crossroads

An interesting crossroads

The phrase ‘may you live in interesting times’ is a Chinese curse heaped on an enemy. Frederic Coudert quotes an unknown British diplomat in 1936: “No age has been fraught…

Debt And Fiscal Policy Statements 2012-13

Debt and fiscal policy statements 2012-13

Two important documents, namely, Fiscal Policy Statement and Debt Policy Statement for 2012-13, released on 4th February 2013 by the Debt Policy Co-ordination Office of Ministry of Finance, while expressing…

At A Precipice

At a precipice

Pakistan stands devastated today due to unprecedented massive corruption. According to a recent report by Transparency International Pakistan the last five years have been the worst in the history of…

The Grand Opposition

The grand opposition

Are we done congratulating ourselves over a democratically elected government having completed its term despite doomsday predictions all along? Let’s acknowledge that the continuity-of-democratic-process-as-solution-to-all-problems argument is already pushing its luck…