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A Self-defeating Advice

A self-defeating advice

Former premier Nawaz Sharif has asked the government to hold "serious, meaningful and result-oriented" talks with the Al-Qaeda-inspired local Taliban militants to bring peace in the country. A review of…

Pakistan`s Political Cliff

Pakistan`s political cliff

`CHAOS Theory` is a course taught at many prestigious universities to analyse and predict developments during crises. Pakistan`s short but turbulent political history provides excellent empirical data for such study.…

Wanted: A Magic Wand

Wanted: a magic wand

Ambition is a perfectly legitimate gene within the political DNA. Without ambition it would be almost impossible for anyone except a saint to suffer the dross, ennui and heartless envy…

The Real Threat To Democracy

The real threat to democracy

It is time to celebrate. The current democratic order, which appeared to be wobbling and on the brink in the wake of Dr Tahirul Qadri’s long march and four-day protest…

Writing A New Script

Writing a new script

In terms of pure political theatre, Tahirul Qadri’s Blue Area ‘revolution’ has been compelling viewing. Many of us were chaos junkies even before cable TV; round-the-clock coverage means that charlatans…

Beginning Of The End

Beginning of the end

Thousands of Shia protesters braved sub-zero temperature for nearly three days as they staged a sit-in in Quetta, refusing to bury 87 victims of the January 10 twin bombings at…

The Monti Option

The Monti option

Pakistan will hold its next parliamentary and presidential elections this year. Many Pakistanis see this first ever completion of its term by an elected civilian government as cause for celebration.…

The Mood Of The Moment

The mood of the moment

Pakistan’s mainstream political leadership appears edgy these days. All of a sudden many politicians seem to have had a revelation that a conspiracy is being hatched to derail the country’s…

The Sectarian Ghoul In Gilgit

The sectarian ghoul in Gilgit

The region of Gilgit-Baltistan made news this year not for its scenic beauty, but for sectarianism in the form of brutal murders and target killings. Historically, the region has been…