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Simmering Over SIMs

Simmering over SIMs

One ought to be intellectually challenged or suffering some kind of disorder to organise the mindless and wasteful record-breaking inanities that unfold around Lahore every other weekend. Making the largest…

Managing Digitized Human Resource

Managing digitized human resource

In spite the escalating rhetoric about Human Resource Management, in Pakistan, is still remains one of the most ill executed management function, is organisational context mostly due to misconceptions &…

Zombie Idea

Zombie idea

THE government has announced a privatisation plan to sell off state-owned entities including ones that have `blue chip` status in the Karachi Stock Exchange. The argument given is that such…

Secrets Of Our Darkened Soul

Secrets of our darkened soul

Do nations have souls? The question is a hypothetical one. But if they do, then the soul of our country is shrouded in all kinds of ugly secrets; secrets we…



Governments in developing countries are increasingly being accused of policies and practices that favour cronies and party loyalists in allocation of scarce resources. They do this blatantly in the name…

Open Up

Open up

We know too little about how our government functions or what it determines for us – quite often without our knowledge or consent. One of the areas into which authorities…

Pakistan’s Economy – I

Pakistan’s economy – I

Alongsides is the first part of a three-part series by an economist who has reflected on his more than half a century involvement with the country's economy. Pakistan has had…