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Pipeline for peace

Pakistan has taken a vital decision regarding the Iran-Pakistan Gas pipeline project, which has been stalled for decades. According to media reports, the caretaker federal cabinet committee has approved the…

Streamlining the FBR in haste?

We are fast approaching the general elections, scheduled for February 08, 2024. However, the post-election landscape poses daunting politico-economic challenges for the already troubled economy. Concerns about fairness of elections…

Money talks in politics

Money talks in politics and political processes globally, which necessitates regulations to ensure democratic values associated with accountability and transparency are not undermined - values that many a Pakistani political…

Israel über alles

ONCE the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague endorsed the substance of South Africa’s case against Israel (albeit not in its entirety) last week, the Zionist project’s international…

Saving the electoral process

The election process, which represents the people's collective voice and will, is the cornerstone of democracy. It stands for the essential idea that every person has the right to influence…

Poor reality, poor image

Every Pakistani has, at some point or another, expressed his or her frustration with the country’s poor image. Millions of Pakistanis work all over the world and have built a…

Blinding rage

BLINDING pretenders to the throne has been an age-old favourite in our part of the world. In addition to making the aspirant an example for other external adventurists and curbing…

IMF review & state of economy

I expect an agreement on the review to come within this week, so, any day now. I can say that Pakistani authorities, the Minister of Finance, they deserve credit for…

In extremis, anything is possible!

Oh hush hush, ummah’s leaders, lest you wake. Heads of Muslim states, from rich Arab princes and kings to democrats controlling some of the world’s largest armies, surprised nobody with…

Perpetual failure under AML-CFT regime

Our defective governance system has rendered the state and nation susceptible to numerous internal and external risks, eroding law and order, undermining the justice system, nurturing corruption, and ultimately jeopardizing…