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Stateless workers

OF the 79 miners who have died since Jan 1, 2024, in Pakistan’s deadly coal mines, not a single one was registered with the EOBI. They were all born as…

Materialistic metaphysics

THIS modern civilisation, which has attained for man unprecedented power, progress, and prosperity, has an inherent design fault that inexorably leads to crisis after crisis since it is itself a…

Why do they hate Trump?

IT has become rank heresy in liberal circles to define Donald Trump as anything but the second coming of Hitler, or at least Mussolini. Fascist or ethno-nationalist motives are evoked…

Embracing feminism

FEMINISM often sparks debate. It is hailed by some as a beacon of equality and derided by others as a divisive ideology. It is almost taboo in Pakistan, especially since…

Cycle of retaliation

THE spectre of a wider conflict still looms in the Middle East after Israel’s ostensibly ‘limited’ atta­­ck on Iran. The escalatory cycle of retaliation pu­­s­h­­­ed the region to the precipice of a…

Act of conscience

“If the pain has often been unbearable and the revelations shocking to all of us, it is because they indeed bring us the beginnings of a common understanding of what…

Cruelty to animals

IT has been about two weeks since a heartbreaking incident of camel mutilation came to light in Pakistan. In that case, it was alleged that a landowner, enraged by a camel that…

Fighting toxic talk

I HAD to step outside social media silos to understand what was happening in Lahore, because my trusted sources — ie, this newspaper and other legacy outlets — were reporting…

The fight against poverty

Humanity has long suffered from extreme poverty, facing hunger and starvation throughout history. However, the situation has dramatically improved due to scientific and technological revolutions, leading to reduced hunger and…

AI: a tale of two futures

As the AI revolution unfolds, humanity confronts two divergent paths and radically dissimilar realities. This is a tale of two futures, presenting us with a profound choice that holds the…