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An unexpected beneficiary

Pakistan’s linkages with Iran and Saudi Arabia span across a complex set of cultural, religious, economic and security ties. Over the last few decades, tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia…

Judicial problems

Pakistan was born with inherent challenges. The three significant administrative institutions that Pakistan inherited were uninvolved in the movement towards independence; they were not only kept separate from politics but…

Financial inequality breeds contempt

Our society essentially stands divided into three classes. The elite class comprises the top bureaucrats both civil and military, business tycoons and politicians. Then follow two classes – the thinning…

People, politicians and political space

When Imran Khan came to power in 2018 many hoped he would break the hold of the corrupt and inefficient two-party system, which had controlled Pakistan’s political space since 1988.…

Judicial fairytales

“Justice is what the judge ate for breakfast.” — Jerome Frank, legal realist philosopher SIX recent judicial orders — one order of the Supreme Court and five orders of the…

Understanding judicial chaos

“Fear cuts deeper than swords” — George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones LIKE the Supreme Court of Pakistan, it is normal for the supreme courts of other countries to…

Pakistan, and international global financial order

In the recently released report ‘Regional Economic Outlook: Middle East and Central Asia’ by International Monetary Fund (IMF), one of its comments on Pakistan’s economy was ‘For… Pakistan, policy interest…