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The Full Bloom And The Tear

The full bloom and the tear

Events of the past few days have magnified the frustration and resigned discontent that grips Pakistan. People worry the fragile and unsafe superstructure of the state is falling apart. As…

Foreign Policy Challenges

Foreign policy challenges

One of the first things Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif did after taking oath was to send a message outlining his foreign policy priorities to Pakistani missions abroad. The move reflects…

In The Name Of Gender

In the name of gender

The resignation of Fauzia Kasuri from PTI at her failure to win one of the reserved women’s seats in the National Assembly might look like a purely internal matter for…

Obscured By The Mandate

Obscured by the mandate

The top man has been sworn in and his mandate is being passed off as a seal that can be used by him to stamp what he deems fit. The…

The Five Men In Charge

The five men in charge

There are five men who will call the shots for some time to come in the political arena of Pakistan. They will lead decision-making on key issues and oversee the…

Apple Cart On A Motorway

Apple cart on a motorway

Barely five minutes into an interview of Maryam Nawaz with Juggan Kazim on PTV last week, the programme had to be interrupted for a live transmission of Nawaz Sharif’s address…

Matter Of Principle?

Matter of principle?

For the most part of our history ordinary folk have been suspicious of lawyers and complained about our lack of ethics. No landlord wants a lawyer as a tenant for…

The General’s Speech

The general’s speech

The contents of General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani’s recent speech on the occasion of Youm-e-Shuhada (Martyrs’ Day) aside, it was a sad reminder that this is now a regular event on…

Apt Handling Of National Security – I

Apt handling of national security – I

In today's global village, the threats are multidimensional and the challenges are many and complex. Safeguarding the national interest is a gigantic job. A bulwark comprising policy parameters and strategic…