Budget in tough times
These are extremely difficult times for Pakistan. It is not only the challenge thrown at the state by Islamic extremists that has caused so much anxiety inside and outside the…
These are extremely difficult times for Pakistan. It is not only the challenge thrown at the state by Islamic extremists that has caused so much anxiety inside and outside the…
Until recent years, Mali had persistently shrugged off the possibility that a small number of extremists could take over the country. Now, after the militants have captured most of the…
When Marx spoke of the withering away of the state, he envisaged society progressing to a higher stage – a sort of classless utopia. When Pakistanis speak of their state…
Every state possessing nuclear weapons has difficulty answering the question, ‘How much is enough?’ It’s natural to think that more weapons will result in more security because nuclear weapons are so fearsome and because it’s hard to know what hand the competition is holding.
Politicians distort history as much as religious extremists distort the teachings of Islam. Imran Khan has vowed that he will establish an Islamic welfare state if he is voted to…
The Taliban attack on the child activist Malala Yousufzai and her two school fellows has reopened an old debate dominated by two strands of opinion on how to deal with…
Due to their absolute and brutal intolerance of dissenting views and modernity, Islamic extremists have succeeded in presenting Islam as the most barbaric way of life ever. Unfortunately, their influence…
The majority of Pakistanis are not going to vote extremists to power. Even moderate religious parties have never received more than 10 percent vote in the past. The Pakistan movement…
Barely a week ago, a young girl was brutally attacked by extremists, but her name was not Malala Yousafzai. This nameless victim was an 11-year-old who had acid thrown on…