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Crime And Terrorism: Financial Challenges – I

Crime and terrorism: Financial challenges – I

INTRODUCTION: This paper seeks to integrate the efforts made by individual group activity members while studying and analysing the manifold directions of money laundering and terrorist financing. The topics assigned…

Land Revenue System

Land revenue system

IT was in the late ’90 when a portion of the embankment of a canal in Mehar taluka in district Dadu suddenly crumbled. Since it was not the time of…

An Emerging Market?

An emerging market?

A recent Global Research Report by HSBC Bank noted that 19 of the top 30 economies in 2050 will be countries that are “emerging”. It is “not just the likes…

Fresh Appetite For Debt

Fresh appetite for debt

It started with a bust and it ended with an even bigger bust. In between was sandwiched an unsustainable boom. Banks have been humbled. Economists have been found wanting. Geopolitical…

September 2010

September 2010

Recent unprecedented floods and torrential rains in the country to some extent intensified the effects of an already fragile macro environment as the non-performing loans (NPLs) of the banking system…

Harder Times Ahead?

Harder times ahead?

The State Bank of Pakistan reduced the rate of interest by 150 basis points to 12 percent. This was announced by Acting Governor Yasin Anwar. Is the decision appropriate from…

FX & Gold – Weekly Outlook May 07 – 11

FX & Gold – weekly outlook May 07 – 11

It was an active week with the Reserve Bank of Australia slashing its rate by 50 basis points. US economic data during the week remained soft as manufacturing sector slowed.…

Peaceful Interlude In Mogadishu

Peaceful interlude in Mogadishu

If there is a single image that encapsulates Somalia’s violent past, its wary present and its uncertain future, it may be the view from the gutted shell of the once-stately…

Middle-income’ Status

Middle-income’ status

A recent World Bank report has confirmed Pakistan’s graduation to the ranks of middle-income countries. Does this elevation represent anything significant? The per capita gross national income (GNI) measure generally…