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Beyond Reform?

Beyond reform?

Since the start of World Bank funded Tax Administration Reforms Programme (TARP), FBR has been making tall claims about its automation efforts. All the chairmen of FBR, who headed the…

Revisiting The LBOD Issue

Revisiting the LBOD issue

With the recent monsoon experience, the question of whether the Left Bank Outfall Drain (LBOD) is the primary cause of flooding in lower Sindh districts has resurfaced. Originally, the drain…

Engagement With Iran

Engagement with Iran

The floodwaters in some parts are beginning to subside. As the Indus returns to the confines of its banks, pressing issues such as extremism, the energy crisis and regional stability…

Learning To Stand On Our Own Feet

Learning to stand on our own feet

It is budget time and everyone is expecting big things of the government. After 62 years of poor economic management, failed policies of bankers and bureaucrats, and failed budgets, we…

MPS Betrays Reverse Approach?

MPS betrays reverse approach?

The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) issued on February 11, 2012 a statement which it calls "monetary policy statement" for the next two months. It has in fact been issuing…

Development Challenge

Development challenge

Pakistan’s ranking on the World Bank’s political stability index dropped sharply in 2006 and 2007 before stabilising somewhat during 2007 and 2008.In 2009, Pakistan’s percentile rank on political stability dropped…

Bitter Pills And Erroneous Diagnosis

Bitter pills and erroneous diagnosis

In recent months, the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) have suggested a number of changes in our tax statutes that are highly controversial and debatable. Under their pressure,…

How Not To Govern

How not to govern

There is no overbearing judge. There is no buccaneering general. There is no fifth columnist, no obstreperous bureaucrat, no militant with suicide jacket on, no rogue intelligence operators, no foreign…

Turkey’s Erdogan Decade

Turkey’s Erdogan decade

Not long ago, Turkey was a security state where the establishment controlled policy through a shadow government. A clandestine network of military officers and their civilian proxies exercised utmost ‘legitimacy’…

Die Happily Ever After

Die happily ever after

Philosophers use deconstruction as an academic tool to understand intention or deceit behind words. In India, deconstruction is a highway epidemic. We construct a beautiful road with World Bank or…