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Too Big A Mess

Too big a mess

Following Dr Tahirul Qadri's speeches and TV interviews, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) is under fire. But critics of the ECP overlook the fact that the mandate of the…

In Search Of A Few Heroes

In search of a few heroes

When army generals in India and Pakistan, retired and serving, refer to a “spectrum of options” they could use against the adversary, they are crudely gloating over the nuclear stockpiles…

IMF Mission In Town

IMF mission in town

At the request of the government, an IMF mission is visiting Pakistan to initiate discussion for a three-year bailout programme. As reported in the press, during their two-week stay in…

Pakistan Outlook 2013 – II

Pakistan outlook 2013 – II

The biggest worrying factor is the growing size of domestic and external debt that has risen to Rs 14.8 trillion. Based on the official size of GDP of Rs 19.…

Our Growth Diagnostics

Our growth diagnostics

"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." Leo Tolstoy’s novel Anna Karenina opens with this line. This dictum holds true not only for…

The Silent Bystanders

The silent bystanders

The curious rumblings being witnessed on the eve of yet-to-be announced elections in Pakistan can be perceived as a game between entrenched political insiders, mainly consisting of the two major…