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Portents From Afghanistan’s Election

Portents from Afghanistan’s election

Next Saturday the Afghans will be going to the polls in the runoff of the election to choose their next president. The two names on the ballot paper will be…

Problem Spots

Problem spots

Amidst all the hype, there are some serious problem spots in the economy which have been glossed over. To start off with, the GDP growth rate has plummeted to three…

Back To The Cold War?

Back to the cold war?

The US and the European Union have come out with fresh economic curbs on Russia in a bid to bring it to heel over the Ukrainian crisis. Does the Washington-Moscow…

Economic Progress Draws Wide Praise

Economic progress draws wide praise

American envoy's recent appreciation of Pakistan's brilliant economic and administrative performance is based on realistic benchmarks so it should be evaluated objectively ie in the realistic perspective. Take into account…

Limits To Market Interventions

Limits to market interventions

Last week was witnessed a complete reversal of the (IMF-driven) policy of buying dollars to build reserves that had pushed the rupee down to the 108.70/$ level. Beginning March, the…

Improving Fiscal Management – III

Improving fiscal management – III

Period from 2008-13 was adjudged as 'financial hara-kiri' by some economists35. "Never in the history of this country has the nation seen such a fiscally irresponsible government. They have maintained…

The Gift

The gift

After a flurry of recent visits by Saudi royals including Crown Prince Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, the sudden Saudi gift of $1.5 billion and now the king of Bahrain’s…