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Relying on US

THE tragedy of Europe becoming, initially at least, a satellite of the US came about in 1945. Twice in its history, Europe begged America to intervene in its civil wars…

Chinese burn

IF China were vulnerable to guided missiles of the rhetorical variety, it would be licking its wounds. The West’s hostility appears to be approaching a crescendo, with scant regard for…

Making sense of US-China tensions

After going through much upheaval in recent years, are US-China relations finally set to stabilize? Recent developments inspire hope. The two countries have been engaged in quiet diplomacy led by…

Chinese investment

SINCE 2015, China has invested billions of dollars in Pakistan. Has that bolstered our economic development? Opinions vary. Most people feel that Chinese investments, led by CPEC, have contributed to…

Restricting women

A WOMAN following the news these days can be forgiven for wondering what century she is in. Sexist policies are proliferating globally, and the political discourse in many countries is…

Re-profiling Chinese debt

THERE was one line in Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb’s remarks last Sunday that caught my eye. In his press conference on that day, he announced that Islamabad is seeking the re-profiling…

Can China’s rise change the world order?

China’s phenomenal rise over the past four decades has radically transformed the global scenario geopolitically and economically, with far-reaching implications for the world’s security and economic wellbeing both at the…

Explaining the dearth of investment

The investment potential arising out of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the UAE’s $10 billion investment pledge, and Saudi Arabia’s $5 billion investment package commitment are all perceived as a game-changer…